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From Good, to Better

Your weekly trip to the market consists of shopping for your groceries, your dairy and your spices. You choose the better vegetable, the fresher meat, so why not the put this thought behind the cinnamon that you buy? Yes, you read it right, cinnamon has its varieties too and we don’t mean better quality between companies. We mean a whole different variety that comes all the way from Sri Lanka—Ceylon cinnamon, which is scientifically considered to be the only true cinnamon.

The cinnamon that commonly sold in the United States, United Kingdom  is Cassia cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon is a close relative of Ceylon cinnamon and for both the dried bark is used as the flavouring spice. Cassia cinnamon is however, less delicate than Ceylon cinnamon because of the harshness of its bark. Ceylon cinnamon being made only from the inner bark is more delicate, easy to crush and does not have the rough texture of Cassia cinnamon.

Cassia cinnamon is specified in many curry recipes, where Ceylon cinnamon is less suitable. But for delicate dishes that require mild flavoring like confectionery, desserts and pastries, Ceylon cinnamon is better suited. Just remember how careful we have to be with the amount of cinnamon we put in these recipe; and when we over-spice it, good lord!

Besides being rich in minerals like magnesium, fiber, calcium, iron, chromium, and manganese, cinnamon is a great source of energy. Did we mention that it helps regulate blood sugar, aid in digestive health, keep your bones healthy and keep your nerves steady too? Ceylon cinnamon being the purest form of cinnamon that there is, does all of the facts mentioned above without any side effects as such, as opposed to Cassia, which when taken in high doses or regularly leaves behind toxins in the body. The main toxin is Coumarin, which can damage the liver, European health agencies had banned the use of Cassia Cinnamon for some time. Is Ceylon cinnamon Coumarin free? No, but Ceylon cinnamon has only 0.04%, which is almost negligible and doesn’t affect the body even when taken daily or in high doses, while Cassia has 5%. Other possible toxins founds in the bark/powder of Cassia are cinnamaldehyde (which is a skin irritant) and styrene (which is regarded as “hazardous chemical”).

Ceylon Cinnamon has two additional properties that no other variety of cinnamon has- it is a natural preservative. So you are not just adding a beautiful flavor to your food, but also expanding its life along the way. Secondly, it is grown without any pesticides making it absolutely natural and organic! So why won’t you switch to Ceylon Cinnamon? We surely don’t need to tell you how pesticides can harm the body, internals and the brain.

So how will you distinguish your Ceylon from your Cassia? The colour and texture of Ceylon cinnamon is lighter, almost golden brown and smoother. Cassia cinnamon is thicker as it has the outer bark; therefore they curl into a roll while drying. Ceylon cinnamon being natural is tender, and is made only from the inner bark. This is why they curl from one side while drying and have bristles formed which cause the cinnamon stick to slightly crack at places. Ceylon cinnamon is softer and can be chewed raw easily. The aroma is lighter and pleasant to senses while being much deeper.

So is there no flaw with the seemingly perfect Ceylon cinnamon? Well, if we have to hunt for a drawback, it would be that Ceylon cinnamon costs more than Cassia cinnamon. But hey! You get what you pay for. Plus when you take into consideration the taste and the aroma and most importantly the health benefits, the cost hardly seems to make any difference.

So switch to Ceylon cinnamon that is healthier, fresher and more flavourful than the Cassia you thought was perfect! You have to try it to believe it!

Explore the island where the magic happens

Ceylon, the former name of Sri Lanka, is a magical island that is the world’s leading producer of true cinnamon and tea.

Each stick of Ceylon cinnamon or cup of Ceylon tea you consume has a touching story behind it. The story is all about the kindness, patience, gratitude, appreciation and hope of the hard-working men and women who supply the finest cinnamon and tea on earth. We are inspired by the thought that our harvests are enjoyed by people thousands of miles away from our beautiful island.

As a family company, we cherish the principle of living the life to the fullest. In Sri Lanka, most of the labor workforce consists of Indian Tamils who came to Sri Lanka during the days of British rule. Some of them still lack Sri Lankan citizenship, which prohibits them from enjoying free education, free medicine and other benefits that full citizens enjoy.

For this reason, we have launched a project to empower the children of our working communities by providing them with the best education we can. We believe that empowering a one child is like empowering a generation. It is a challenge, but one we gladly accept!
But to fulfill our educational mission, we need your support. In return, we’d be pleased to show you our beautiful country.

Our plantation bungalow is located close to the Sinharaja Forest Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the border of Gin River. It is surrounded by more than 200 acres of rice paddies and fields of tea, rubber, and cinnamon. The village itself presents a traditional working environment typical of the Sri Lankan countryside.

Our plantation is at the bottom of a hill, which itself consists of three other giant hills. Three reservoirs are nearby. The natural environment abounds with fish, peacocks, jungle fowl, Ceylon giant squirrel, tortoise, eagle, owl, and many other wet-zone animals.

You’re welcome to stay with us at our plantation. We also offer tours to other parts of Sri Lanka. Please contact us for more information about our tour packages.

Try Ceylon Cinnamon for your bakery today!

The alluring scent of delicious true Ceylon Cinnamon baked products will effortlessly draw people to your bakery. You will have the honor of sharing a healthy yet delectable product with all of your customers.

We understand how much effort you put into your bakery in order to produce the best products for your customers. Just like you, we want you to succeed. That’s why we are introducing the world’s best and safest cinnamon to your bakery.

Ceylon Cinnamon is used extensively in bakeries, Asian foods, flavored teas and medicines. It is a widely used spice in Asia for its medicinal properties. Unlike cassia, Ceylon Cinnamon is the only recommended cinnamon to use because of the ultra-low coumarin present. In a simple word, it is a “magical” product from the “magical” island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

By using our Ceylon Cinnamon, you can reduce the use of sugar in all your recipes to help your customers go for a healthier choice. In United States, 25.8 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes, and there are about 1.9 million new cases of diabetes diagnosed each year! Our Ceylon Cinnamon has the potential to influence those statistics in a positive way!

Only a small consumption of Ceylon cinnamon has the potential to bring hundreds of health benefits, such as blood sugar control, arthritis/osteoporosis, lowering LDL cholesterol & triglycerides etc.
By sharing Ceylon Cinnamon, you are positively influencing your customers’ lives.

We are a family run company with 70 years of experience in farming, packing, and exporting Ceylon Cinnamon from the most beautiful island on earth—Sri Lanka (Ceylon).
We, at Diyesta, take the world’s best cinnamon one step further. We challenge the traditional grading system and make our cinnamon according to the customers’ unique requirements for a healthy alternative when supplying our Ceylon Cinnamon. We take pride in supplying sulphur-free Ceylon Cinnamon to as many people as possible.

Send us your inquiry today and we guarantee to deliver what we promise for any given quantity on the day you request. Together, let us succeed!

The Spice Of Life - Cinnamon: The Elegant Addition- 1983 BBC production

Cinnamon has been cherished for centuries for its fragrance as well as its flavor. The Arabs created a legend about it, and three European nations invaded Sri Lanka to acquire it. We see the harvesting of this labor-intensive crop in Sri Lanka, where methods have not changed for thousands of years........

How Ceylon Cinnamon Works

Flow chart of the whole process of harvesting and manufacturing of Ceylon Cinnamon

Planting Process

1. Ceylon Cinnamon Seeds are planted in mobile nurseries and raised for 1 year with no chemicals
2. After a year, the small plants are placed in the ground and raised for about 3 years. Compost is used for fertilizer and applied on a weekly basis to maintain the plants and the land.
3. When the bark of the Ceylon Cinnamon tree starts to look brownish, we cut the tree down to 1 inch from the soil. Once tree is cut, the remaining 1 inch will soon start to create new branches for the next harvest.

Manufacturing Process

1. The cut branches of the tree are immediately taken to the factory.
2. The first team pounds the tree to loosen the bark from the inner layer.
3. Second team uses a white iron knife to remove the bark nicely from the tree.
4. Once the bark is removed, chips are then inserted into the rolled bark to make a stick
5. Then the sticks are dried in open air at a temperature of 30 - 34 C (86 - 93 F).
6. Sticks are then graded according to the appearance. For powder, sticks are ground in our grinding mills.

Ceylon Cinnamon versus Cassia Cinnamon

Cinnamomum verum which means “true cinnamon” is a lighter, brighter spice (as compared to Cassia cinnamon) that is obtained from the inner bark of a tree native to Sri Lanka. Ceylon Cinnamon, as it is more commonly known as, is a milder spice as compared to the more regularly used Cassia Cinnamon.  Although many countries in South-East Asia grow cinnamon, Ceylon Cinnamon is the world’s best. It’s milder, smoother aroma and taste is better for gourmet, desserts, smoothies, flavoring meat and basically everything you can think of.

Why Ceylon cinnamon?

•             Cassia cinnamon when taken regularly or in high does thins your blood!  This blood thinning property of Cassia Cinnamon helps it in acting as an anti clotting agent especially for those suffering from heart disease. However care must be taken to NOT to take it with other blood thinning medication. Switch to Ceylon cinnamon which is 100% pure and doesn’t thin your blood as its side effects are lesser even when consumed regularly or in high doses.

•             The sweet, savoury taste that is rich but adds a subtle flavor can be obtained by no other form of cinnamon. This is sweeter as compared to the harsher flavor of Cassia cinnamon or your regular supermarket cinnamon, and it gives an underlying flavor of citrus and spice. Why wouldn’t you switch to something that makes your food taste better?

•             Besides being rich in minerals like magnesium, fiber, calcium, iron, chromium, and manganese, cinnamon is a great source of energy. Did we mention that it helps regulate blood sugar, aid in digestive health, keep your bones healthy and keep your nerves steady too? Ceylon cinnamon being the purest form of cinnamon that there is, does all of the facts mentioned above without any side effects as such!

•             Those who take cinnamon on a daily basis for dieting or other health reasons should switch to Ceylon Cinnamon, which only has 0.04% Coumarin. Cassia cinnamon has high levels (about 5%) of Coumarin which can cause liver failure if taken daily or in high doses. The Europeans even banned Cassia Cinnamon for a while because of its effects on the liver. When are you going to switch over something natural and healthier?

•             The colour and texture of Ceylon cinnamon is lighter, almost golden brown and smoother. Cassia cinnamon is thicker as it has the outer bark; therefore they curl into a roll while drying. Ceylon cinnamon being natural is tender, and is made only from the inner bark. This is why they curl from one side while drying and have bristles formed which cause the cinnamon stick to slightly crack at places. Ceylon cinnamon is softer and can be chewed raw easily. The aroma is lighter and pleasant to senses while being much deeper.

•             Ceylon cinnamon has a marvelous property that Cassia cinnamon fails to have- It acts as a natural preservative! It can keep your food fresh for 4-5 days. Cooking in bulk and worrying about leftovers, not a problem anymore.

•             So everything good and natural that comes your way must be expensive, right? Wrong! Ceylon cinnamon might cost more than your average supermarket cinnamon but think of the diseases you are not inviting in the long run. The ideal thing to do is buy these sticks in bulk and store them in an airtight container to keep the aroma intact.

•             When we said natural, we weren’t just using a term. Ceylon cinnamon is absolutely organic and pesticide free. So a healthy product just became healthier! We do not need to repeat what pesticides can do to your body. They start from the Central Nervous System, affect your internal organs and then the functioning of your body. Cassia cinnamon being produced in bulk is rich in such pesticides.

So a cinnamon that does not taste as fresh, isn’t rich in flavor and has side effects and leaves behind toxins or simply Ceylon cinnamon? The choice doesn’t seem so hard.